
DEUQUA issues the following publications.


E&G Quaternary Science Journal

E&G – Quaternary Science Journal (formerly: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart) is a peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes articles covering all aspects of Quaternary science. Details can be found here and of course on the website of the journal.

DEUQUA Special Publications

DEUQUA Special Publications (DEUQUASP) publishes field guidebooks and special volumes related to Quaternary research. Volumes are usually organised and managed by guest editors. If you would like to propose a topic for a volume, or you wish to submit a manuscript to DEUQUASP, please visit the journal website.


DEUQUA news is published in the Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (GMIT), the quarterly bulletin of the Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler (BDG), Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft (DGG), Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG), Geologische Vereinigung (GV), Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (GGW), Paläontologische Gesellschaft and DEUQUA.