Pangeo-DEUQUA 2024
23 to 27 September 2024, Salzburg Austria
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the PANGEO scientific meeting co-hosted by DEUQUA!
The conference will take place on September 23rd to 27th, 2024 in Salzburg, Austria. It will be held at the Department Environment and Biodiversity of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), Hellbrunner Str. 34, 5020 Salzburg. Under the heading “Converging Spheres” this conference provides a platform for presenting research carried out at universities, organizations, and companies.
Like the PANGEO meeting, the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) meeting is held every second year. DEUQUA is the main Quaternary research society for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and its meetings are held across various sites of these three countries. Focusing on the Quaternary period, the DEUQUA offers a broad forum on related topics including earth surface processes and climate change.
The idea of this meeting is to stimulate interaction between experts from different geoscientific disciplines. Our motto "Converging Spheres" should not only refer to the scientific content but also to the geoscientific community. Apart from classic lecture sessions, the scientific program comprises six workshops, each covering a broad geoscientific range intended to address all aspects of applied and basic geoscience research. Each workshop topic is associated with a keynote/impulse lecture presented to the plenary on Tue, 24th. Workshops on each topic will then be moderated by the convenors on Wed, 25th. Contributions will comprise posters and short presentations but can be organized flexible by convenors, ideally giving much room for discussion.
An extensive excursion program and pre-conference workshops will frame the conference program (in progress). For further information please visit our website www.pangeo-deuqua2024.at, where we will host further information and news including registration fees. Conference language: English and German.
We look forward to welcoming you in Salzburg!
The Scientific and Organizing Committee of PANGEO / DEUQUA 2024