Postdoctoral Researcher @Tübingen

The Terrestrial Sedimentology Group at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher (m/w/d; E 13 TV-L, 100%) for the duration of two years with perspectives for extension.

Your responsibilities will be

  • The development of novel methods for understanding desert dunefield morphology and relationship to climate using deep learning and remote sensing
  • Communication of results in scientific journals and at national and international scientific meetings
  • Contribution to teaching activities within the department to a limited extent (4SWS)

Please submit your application by 19 April 2022 to Prof. Kathryn Fitzsimmons ( using the subject line “Postdoc Aeolian geomorphology”. For enquiries regarding the post please contact Prof.
Kathryn Fitzsimmons.

All details can be found in the PDF below.


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