Job announcements!

The new Cluster ROOTS – Social, Environmental, and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies in the frame of the German Excellence Initiative explores social, environmental, and cultural processes that have substantially shaped past human development (and which are still active today). Research is organized in six research units (i.e. subclusters) covering six foci: (1) Environmental hazards and impacts; (2) Dietary intake and disease; (3) Knowledge production, technology, and innovation; (4) Population agglomeration and urbanisation; (5) Social differentiation and inequalities; and (6) Conflict and conciliation. The ROOTS ‘Reflective Turn’ will enable cross-disciplinary dialogue and enquiries within and between research foci, providing an overarching theoretical frame.
The Research Associates and Doctoral positions participate in the ROOTS Young Academy. The ROOTS Young Academy brings together young experts from an array of disciplines, which support ROOTS research with innovative research ideas. The Young Academy provides young researchers with excellent conditions for a successful career and personal development.
The subcluster “Environmental hazards and impacts” invites applications for the following positions to begin as early as possible:

a) One Research Associate Position:

  • Research associate position in Landscape Archaeology of the Wadden Seas

b) Four Doctoral Positions

  • 01PhD Doctoral Position: Testing the Neolithic Plant Invasion Hypothesis (NPIH)
  • 02PhD Doctoral Position: Hazards of Neobiota in the Anthropocene
  • 03PhD Doctoral Position: Pollution and contamination in geoarchaeological environments
  • 04PhD Doctoral Position: Identification of hazards in paleoenvironmental archives

Deadline is October 4th 2019. Please find all details on the cluster website or in the PDF file provided below.

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