Historic and prehistoric landslides in the northern Italian Alps. Implications for new hazard maps in mountainous areas
30 June - 5 July 2019 – Trento and Veneto regions (NE Italian Alps)
Who? The 5-days traveling Summer School is open to 25 young researchers worldwide (PhD-students & Post-Docs)
Where? During the School we will visit several of the most important landslide sites of the NE Italian Alps: Lavini di Marco, Termeno, Molveno, Marocche di
Dro, Mt. Peron, Vajont, Tessina, etc.
What? The following themes will be discussed with lectures and field visits:
- Control of failure by bedrock faults and fractures
- Interpretation of emplacement dynamics from geomorphological, sedimentological and stratigraphic evidence
- Isotopic dating for reconstruction of timing and sequence of events
- Instrumental survey and monitoring
- Numerical runout modelling
How much? The total cost including transport, full accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner is 350€ for each participant. Deadline for application: May 15th 2019 For detailed information and application form, please visit the website http://landslideschool.eu or download the flyer below.