At the Department of Geography at the RWTH Aachen University two PhD-positions are available from January 1st 2018. Applications are invited for a three-year PhD-studentship. The appointment is offered as part time (23.90 hrs/week) with a payment according to TV-L E13 (60 %).
Assignments: The first PhD position is embedded in the CRC806 “Our Way to Europe”, subproject B1 “Last Glacial Palaeogeography and Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean and of the Balkan
Peninsula”. The PhD candidate will focus on sedimentary and geochemical analysis on loess sections, with the main regional focus on southeastern Europe. In addition, she/he will improve new
methods, which were developed during the second phase.
The second PhD position is embedded in the CRC806 “Our Way to Europe”, subproject D1 “Analysis of Migration Processes due to Environmental Conditions between 40,000 and 14,000 a BP in the Rhine
Catchment and Adjacent Areas”. The PhD candidate will focus on sedimentary and geochemical analysis on loess sections, with the main regional focus in the Rhine and Danube catchments and adjacent
areas. In addition, she/he will improve new methods, which were developed during the second phase.
Interested candidates should send the application package (CV; cover letter describing background, training and research interests; certificates; contact information of three referees) as a single PDF to Prof. Dr. Frank Lehmkuhl ( not later than 22th September 2017 with reference to the jobnumber 20507.
Further details please see PDF file available below.