New subdivision of the Holocene by the ICS

Originally published by the International Commission on Stratigraphy:


ICS chart containing the Quaternary and Cambrian GSSPs and new stages (v 2018/07) is now released!


The International Chronostratigraphic Chart (v 2018/07), which contains significant updates to the Quaternary and Cambrian System, is now formally released. 

The Executive Committee of the IUGS has now ratified the proposal submitted by ICS that subdivides the Holocene Series into the Greenlandian (11,700 yr b2k), Northgrippian (8326 yr b2k), and Meghalayan (4200 yr before 1950) stages, and that these stages correspond to the Lower, Middle and Upper Holocene subseries. A speleothem collected from the Mawmluh Cave, northern India, serves as the GSSP for the Meghalayan Stage and will be curated in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.


In addition to the new stratigraphic chart provided for download below, Phil Gibbard kindly provided additional material, which can also be downloaded here:


ICS Chronostratigraphic Chart 2018-07
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 302.7 KB
ICS Holocene Press Release
HolocenePress Releas 06-25-18modpg.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 360.4 KB
Formal subdivision of the Holocene Series
Formal subdivision of the Holocene Serie
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 180.8 KB